9.12. Tutorial: Simulate EVerest in SoftwareΒΆ
You can create custom simulations with your very own structure of modules and data flows.
How to set up and run an already pre-configured simulation in EVerest can be found in the Quick Start Guide section Simulating EVerest.
In order to run your own modifications of the NodeRed flow, best create a backup of the JSON file located here:
To do the modifications, best use the NodeRed GUI that you can reach via browser with URL http://localhost:1880.
If you are ready with your changes, download your new JSON file with the help of the NodeRed GUI:
Open menu in right upper corner
Click on Export
Choose the tab JSON
Click Download button
The file is now in your local Download folder. To be used as your new flow process, you will have to move it to the config folder and register it in the Docker container:
mv {Downloads Directory}/config-sil-flow.json {EVerest Workspace Directory}/everest-core/config/nodered/config-sil-flow.json
cd {EVerest Workspace Directory}/everest-core/build/dist/share/everest/docker
docker build -t everest-nodered .
docker stop everest_nodered
docker run --rm --network host --name everest_nodered --mount type=bind,source=/{EVerest Workspace Directory}/everest-core/config/nodered/config-sil-flow.json,target=/data/flows.json everest-nodered
Your modified flow will now be used for your Simulation GUI at http://localhost:1880/ui.
We will add additional documentation here soon to get you an idea about how your own flow can be created and how everything can be wired together. If you want to contribute such information, you can of course create a Pull Request in the EVerest GitHub repository of the EVerest project. (This tutorial can be found in the following directory: docs/tutorials/run_sil/)