9.9. How to for Renesas MPU (RZ/G2L family)ΒΆ

To get more information on EVerest and Renesas hardware, see here: https://www.renesas.com/en/products/microcontrollers-microprocessors/rz-mpus/rz-partner-solutions/pionix-basecamp

Here is how to set it up and run an EVerest simulation:

  1. Clone the rz-community-bsp repo: https://github.com/renesas-rz/rz-community-bsp.git

  2. Apply the patch, which you can find on the following page. The changes are

necessary to build everest-core: Patch file

  1. Start kas-container menu to configure the environment:

  1. Run ./kas-container menu

  2. Select device as RZ/G2L.

  3. Save & Exit

  1. Start kas-shell with ./kas-container shell:

  1. Run sudo apt-get update

  2. Run sudo apt-get install -y python3.11 python3.11-dev

  1. Edit the file /work/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/elfutils/elfutils_0.186.bb

to add the following line:

CFLAGS:append = " -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations"
  1. Finally, start the build: bitbake renesas-image-minimal

Once the build is complete, exit the shell.

  1. Flash the hardware with the information in the RZ/G2L startup guide, which

can be found here: Evaluation Board Kit Quick Start Guide

The generated image/binaries will be present in the directory:

  1. Start EVerest with the following command:

/usr/bin/manager --conf /etc/everest/config-sil.yaml

If everything has been set up correctly, you will be able to run simulation steps with EVerest now. Have a look at the Quick Start Guide to get more information on this.

From there on, you might want to take it to the next level by implementing your own customized EVerest modules. Have a look at the dedicated EVerest module concept documentation to get an idea of doing that.