13.3.20. session_cost

Types to provide the session price

A chunk of the session cost. The total cost of the session is the sum of all chunks.
timestamp_from:string <required>
Absolute timestamp for the start of this chunk in RFC3339 UTC format
timestamp_to:string <required>
Absolute timestamp for the end of this chunk in RFC3339 UTC format
cost:object <required> (money-MoneyAmount)
Cost of the energy (or other things like time, base price, …) consumed during this chunk in the currency specified in the session price
There is an extended definition for this object here.
category:string <required>
Cost category. Typically this is energy or time.
- Energy
- Time
- Other
Session status enum. Session can be running or finished. Costs of the running session are not final and can change.
- Running
- Finished
Session cost object containing the total cost of the session and a list of chunks
id_tag:object <required> (authorization-ProvidedIdToken)
The id tag assigned to this transaction
There is an extended definition for this object here.
currency:object <required> (money-Currency)
Currency of the session cost. It applies to all chunks.
There is an extended definition for this object here.
cost_chunks:array <optional>
List of cost chunks. The total cost of the session is the sum of all chunks.
array_item:object (session_cost-SessionCostChunk)
One chunk of the session cost
There is an extended definition for this object here.

status:object <required> (session_cost-SessionStatus)
Session status. Session can be running or finished. Costs of the running session are not final and can change. Only after the session is finished, the session cost can be committed to bank and/or backend.
There is an extended definition for this object here.