13.1.29. RsPaymentTerminal

Payment terminal module for Feig devices. Module Configuration

ip:string <required>
IP Address of Feig terminal, like “”
feig_serial:string <required>
Serial of Feig terminal. Typically a seven characters long string like “ABCD123”.
terminal_id:string <required>
Payment terminal ID.
currency:integer <optional>
default: 978
Currency in ISO 4217 format.
pre_authorization_amount:integer <optional>
default: 2500
Pre authentication amount in Cents.
read_card_timeout:integer <optional>
default: 2
The time (is seconds) to wait for a card to be read.
read_card_debounce:integer <optional>
default: 2
The debounce time (in seconds) after a successful card reading. The parameter prevents re-reading the same card.
transactions_max_num:integer <optional>
default: 1
The maximum number of concurrent transactions. The Feig terminal will reject a transaction if it would exceed the maximum number of concurrent transactions - in this case you need to finish a transaction to allow a new one.
password:integer <required>
Password for the Feig terminal. Provides

Provides an authentication token from the Feig terminal.
Provides details of an already processed payment Requirements

session:session_cost 1
bank_session_token:bank_session_token_provider 1 Metadata Authors License