13.2.30. isolation_monitor

This interface defines an isolation monitoring device (IMD) according to IEC 61557-8 for DC charging. This is used to verify isolation of the DC lines before starting high voltage charging and during charging. Variables

isolation_measurement:object (isolation_monitor-IsolationMeasurement)
Isolation monitoring measurement results
There is an extended definition for this object here.
Indicates the self test is done and publishes the result. Set “true” for success, “false” for failure. Commands

Start recurring isolation measurements. The device should monitor the isolation status until stopped and publish the resistance data in regular intervals. The actual interval is device dependent.
Stop recurring measurements. The device should stop to monitor the isolation resistance and stop publishing the data.
Start self test. This will be done during the CableCheck phase, so a DC voltage will be present according to IEC 61851-23 (2023). The command should return immediately. The “self_test_result” variable must be published once the self testing is done. Note that on many hardware devices this can take a long time (e.g. 20 seconds).
test_voltage_V:number <required>
Specifies the test voltage [V] that is applied on the DC pins during self test. This can be used to verify the internal voltage measurement of the IMD.