13.2.29. iso15118_extensions

This interface is used to share data between ISO15118 and OCPP modules to support the requirements of the OCPP protocol Variables

iso15118_certificate_request:object (iso15118-RequestExiStreamSchema)
The vehicle requests the SECC to deliver the certificate that belong to the currently valid contract of the vehicle. Response will be reported async via set_get_certificate_response
There is an extended definition for this object here. Commands

CertificateInstallationRes/CertificateUpdateRes - Set the new/updated Contract Certificate (including the certificate chain) and the corresponding encrypted private key. Should be forwared to EVCC. This is an async response to a previously published iso15118_certificate_request
certificate_response:object <required> (iso15118-ResponseExiStreamStatus)
The response raw exi stream and the status from the CSMS system
There is an extended definition for this object here.