.. _everest_interfaces_isolation_monitor: ################# isolation_monitor ################# | This interface defines an isolation monitoring device (IMD) according to IEC 61557-8 for DC charging. This is used to verify isolation of the DC lines before starting high voltage charging and during charging. ********* Variables ********* | **isolation_measurement**:*object* (:ref:`isolation_monitor-IsolationMeasurement `) | Isolation monitoring measurement results | **There is an extended definition for this object** :ref:`here `. | **self_test_result**:*boolean* | Indicates the self test is done and publishes the result. Set "true" for success, "false" for failure. ******** Commands ******** | **start**:*void* | Start recurring isolation measurements. The device should monitor the isolation status until stopped and publish the resistance data in regular intervals. The actual interval is device dependent. | **stop**:*void* | Stop recurring measurements. The device should stop to monitor the isolation resistance and stop publishing the data. | **start_self_test**:*void* | Start self test. This will be done during the CableCheck phase, so a DC voltage will be present according to IEC 61851-23 (2023). The command should return immediately. The "self_test_result" variable must be published once the self testing is done. Note that on many hardware devices this can take a long time (e.g. 20 seconds). | **test_voltage_V**:*number* | Specifies the test voltage [V] that is applied on the DC pins during self test. This can be used to verify the internal voltage measurement of the IMD.