Current Version module-net

You are looking at the documentation for the module-net release of EVerest. See snapshot file for further version mapping. See versions index for other versions.


What Is EVerest

EVerest is an open source modular framework for setting up a full stack environment for EV charging.

The modular software architecture fosters customizability and lets you configure your dedicated charging scenarios based on interchangeable modules. All this is glued together by MQTT.

EVerest will help to speed the adoption to e-mobility by utilizing all the open source advantages for the EV charging world. It will also enable new features for local energy management, PV-integration and many more.

The EVerest project was initiated by PIONIX GmbH (Pionix at LinkedIn) to help with the electrification of the mobility sector and is an official project of the Linux Foundation Energy.

EVerest Compass

You are currently on the main documentation page of EVerest.

There are quite a few other resources that you might want to check out:

Direct contact

Mailing list

The easiest and fastest way to connect to the steadily growing EVerest community is the EVerest mailing list .

You will get your questions answered and will also get regular information about our public meetups to which you are invited to join.

Weekly tech meetup

A weekly tech meetup for all contributors is currently held once a week.

Meet us here each Tuesday at 3pm in CET time-zone:

Join via Google Meet:

Or dial: (DE) +49 40 8081616135 PIN: 964783404#

More phone numbers:

1:1 meetup

If you do not want to start talking about your requirements and projects in a big round, we can also give you the possibility to talk in a 1-on-1 meetup with a community guide.

Just book a 30-minute meetup here:


In this meetup, we will try to understand your dedicated requirements and see where in the EVerest ecosystem you can contribute or get support. If there is a need for technically deeper exchange, we can plan to set your topic on the agenda of the weekly tech meetup.

Tech resources about EVerest

Find the source code, current Pull Requests and an issue tracking on our home at EVerest repositories on GitHub .

For getting at least a rough overview of the things we already implemented and what is planned for the near future, see our roadmap on GitHub .

With our YouTube Channel channel, you can stay up-to-date with webinars and get insights from the Technical Steering Committee recordings.

And last but not least, also have a look at section FAQ And Best Practices in this documentation page to find topics that sometimes people get stuck with.

Social Media

Don’t forget to follow us on X .

Find Your Way Into EVerest Development

If you want to choose video rather than text and code for a quick dive-in, have a look at our webinar first:

Screenshot of the webinar video How EVerest Ecosystem simplifies Charging Use Cases

Click for watching on YouTube: Webinar: How the EVerest Ecosystem will simplify Charging Use Cases

We prepared a path to get step by step into the EVerest world. It will lead you from a high level overview right into understanding how to implement modules for your dedicated hardware scenarios or developer use cases.

To walk this path, simply read on and follow the table of contents below.

Table Of Contents

But now let’s dive in the EVerest journey to get you on board. Start on top level with the first chapter and walk the path down to your first module implementation.

Indices and tables