.. _tutorial_sphinx_general: ########################################## General Sphinx Information ########################################## ****************************************** Architecture ****************************************** The EVerest documentation consists of three parts: #. The handwritten documentation of ``EVerest/EVerest``. It is located in the ``doc`` directory of the ``EVerest/EVerest`` repository. The purpose is to provide a high level documentation of the EVerest project/framework, tutorials, tools, etc. #. The automaticcally generated documentaiton This part is generated by github actions when running the ``deploy-sphinx-doc.yml`` workflow located in ``EVerest/EVerest``. It includes human readable documentation of interfaces, modules and types that are defined by json files in the ``EVerest/everest-core`` repository. #. The handwritten documentation of ``EVerest/everest-core``. This part is automaticcally included by the generation of the second part of the documentation. It is located in the ``doc`` directory of the ``EVerest/everest-core`` repository. The purpose is to provide the possibilty to expand the auto generated documentation by custom handwritten documentation. With this it is possible to use all features of reStructuredText/Sphinx as including images, tables, etc. ****************************************** Build the documentation ****************************************** The documentation is build by the ``deploy-sphinx-doc.yml`` workflow located in ``EVerest/EVerest``. It is triggered by a push to the ``main`` branch of ``EVerest/EVerest``. The workflow generates the documentation and pushes it to github pages. The documentation is available at ``_. To build the documentation locally, you need to install the tool ``act`` to run the github workflow locally. See :ref:`How To: Act ` for more information. Use act to run the workflow locally: .. code-block:: cd EVerest/EVerest mkdir work0/ cd work0/ act workflow_dispatch -b -W ../.github/workflows/deploy-sphinx-doc.yml -j build-sphinx The documentation is generated in the ``work0`` directory. Open ``work0/everest/docs/_build/html/index.html`` in your browser to view the documentation.