.. _how_to_pnc: ************************** How To: Plug&Charge with EVerest Software in the loop ************************** EVerest provides support for Plug&Charge within ISO15118-2 and OCPP1.6 and OCPP2.0.1. This tutorial explains how you can set up and configure EVerest for Plug&Charge with the software in the loop. .. _prerequisites: Prerequisites ============= If you're new to EVerest, start with our `Quick Start Guide <02_quick_start_guide.html>`_ to get a simulation in EVerest running for the first time. If you have done that successfully, you can move on with this tutorial. .. _plug_and_charge_process: The Plug&Charge process ============= The process we are going to simulate covers a complete AC Plug&Charge process including a CertificateInstallation request to install a virtual contract in the simulated EV. The components included in this setup are the following: 1. Charging Station (SECC): The EVerest stack provides the software running on the charger. It provides the ISO 15118 and OCPP implementations. 2. Electric Vehicle (EVCC): The EV is simulated using the software in the loop (SIL). The SIL runs as part of EVerest using separate modules that are started alongside with the EVerest application. 3. Charging Station Management System (CSMS): The CSMS used in this setup is an external service. It's a very simple implementation of an OCPP central system based on the Python ocpp package from TheMobilityHouse (https://github.com/mobilityhouse/ocpp). Let's get started step by step ============================== 1. Prerequisites must be fullfilled: EVerest must be installed on your system. By default, the installation of everest-core includes a complete and automatic installation of a test PKI. The certificates and keys are located under `dist/etc/everest/certs`. 2. Let's prepare the central system that we are going to use. Follow the instructions described here to set it up: https://github.com/EVerest/ocpp-csms 3. Run everest-core with either OCPP1.6 or OCPP2.0.1 using the prepared run-scripts. Make sure the the endpoint `localhost:9000/` is specified in the respective ocpp configuration file (OCPP2.0.1 config defaults to this address, while for OCPP1.6 the default is different). ```bash ./run-scripts/run-sil-ocpp201-pnc.sh ``` or ```bash ./run-scripts/run-sil-ocpp-pnc.sh ``` Make sure Node-RED is running and access the UI on `localhost:1880/ui`. In Node-RED select AC ISO 15118-2 from the Car Simulation dropdown and click "Car Plugin". This will initiate the EV plugin and start the Plug&Charge process. Check the EVerest console and OCPP logs. By default OCPP logs are located in /tmp/everest_ocpp_logs .