5.3.11. PN7160TokenProvider

This module provides authentication tokens obtained from RFID cards via the NXP PN7160 NFC chip.

It uses a modified libnfc-nci as external dependency to interface the chip via I²C or SPI, either from user space or via a kernel module. Hardware Interface Configuration

Configuration of the hardware interface is possible at runtime. The module installs two configuration files:

  • libnfc-nci_config/libnfc-nci.conf: define NFC options

  • libnfc-nci_config/libnfc-nxp.conf: choose the hardware interface (kernel module vs. userspace; I²C vs. SPI, …) Module Configuration

The EVerest module can be adjusted in its behaviour as follows:

  • token_debounce_interval_ms: Publish tokens in minimum intervall of this timespan in order not to flood subscribers.

  • disable_nfc_rfid: Allows to load the module without actually initializing the hardware.