13.2.21. evse_manager¶
This interface defines the evse manager. An evse manager represents the charging kernel of one physical connector. Variables¶
session_event:object (evse_manager-SessionEvent)
Emits all events related to sessions
There is an extended definition for this object here.
limits:object (evse_manager-Limits)
Limits of this evse, published on change
There is an extended definition for this object here.
ev_info:object (evse_manager-EVInfo)
More details about the EV if available
There is an extended definition for this object here.
car_manufacturer:string (evse_manager-CarManufacturer)
Car manufacturer (if known)
There is an extended definition for this object here.
telemetry:object (evse_board_support-Telemetry)
Other telemetry
There is an extended definition for this object here.
powermeter:object (powermeter-Powermeter)
Measured dataset
There is an extended definition for this object here.
Powermeter public key
EVSE ID including the connector number, e.g. DE*PNX*E123456*1
hw_capabilities:object (evse_board_support-HardwareCapabilities)
Hardware capability/limits
There is an extended definition for this object here.
enforced_limits:object (energy-EnforcedLimits)
Enforced limits for this node (coming from the EnergyManager)
There is an extended definition for this object here.
Signals that the EVSE Manager is in principle ready to start charging, but delays sending its ready signal waiting for the external_ready_to_start_charging command.
Signals that the EVSE Manager is ready to start charging
Contains the selected protocol used for charging for informative purposes Commands¶
Call to get information about the EVSE including its connectors
Result:object (evse_manager-Evse)
Object that contains information of the EVSE including its connectors
There is an extended definition for this object here.
Enables or disables the evse. Turns off PWM with error F. Charging is only possible if an EVSE is enabled.
connector_id:integer <required>
Specifies the ID of the connector to enable. If 0, the whole EVSE should be enabled
cmd_source:object <required> (evse_manager-EnableDisableSource)
Source of the enable command
There is an extended definition for this object here.
Returns true if evse is enabled after the command, false if it is disabled. This may not be the same value as the request, since there may be a higher priority request from another source that is actually deciding whether it is enabled or disabled.
Reports the result of an authorization request to the EvseManager. Contains the provided_token for which authorization was requested and the validation_result
provided_token:object <required> (authorization-ProvidedIdToken)
The token for which authorization was requested
There is an extended definition for this object here.
validation_result:object <required> (authorization-ValidationResult)
The validation result
There is an extended definition for this object here.
Call to signals that EVSE is not further authorized to start a transaction (e.g. on a connection_timeout)
Call to signal that EVSE is reserved. This can be used to e.g. change the color of the HMI LEDs to indicate reservation.
reservation_id:integer <required>
The reservation id (should be added to the TransactionStarted event). Set this to a negative value if there is no specific reservation id for this evse but the evse should still move to a Reserved state because of total global reservations.
Returns true if the EVSE accepted the reservation, else false.
Call to signal that EVSE is not reserved anymore
Sets the evse manager to faulted externally. It may also switch to faulted itself if it detects an internal error.
Call to signal EVSE to pause charging
Returns true if successfully paused or was already in paused_by_evse mode
Call to signal EVSE to resume charging
Returns true if resume was successful, false otherwise (e.g. resuming a car pause won’t work)
Stops transaction and cancels charging externally, charging can only be resumed by replugging car. EVSE will also stop transaction automatically e.g. on disconnect, so this only needs to be called if the transaction should end before.
request:object <required> (evse_manager-StopTransactionRequest)
Request to stop the transaction.
There is an extended definition for this object here.
Returns true if successful
Forces connector to unlock connector now. During normal operation, connector will be locked/unlocked in the correct sequence. Do not use this function except if explicitly requested by e.g. management cloud.
connector_id:integer <required>
Specifies the ID of the connector that should be unlocked
Returns true if unlocking sequence was successfully executed
There are situations where another module needs to do some initialization after evse manager is in principle ready to start charging. This command can be used (optimally in combination with a configuration option) to delay charging ready until the external module is done with its initialization
Returns true if the signal was used by the evse manager implementation